Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Warning from God

12/7/2006 1:31 PM

Dear Friends, maybe I needed to be out of the country for many months to see the condition of our nation.
Maybe I got this virus, I have been fighting, so I would sit still and watch a few Charles Dickens movies to get in touch with the depravations of man. Maybe I can no longer fight this fire shut up in my bones. I have stayed out of touch with everyone while I have sought the face of God. My wife and I have had the greatest year of ministry we've ever seen, but my heart is so weary with the blindness, the denial and the codependent Gospel, which is not the Gospel, that is being ministered to Americans. Dale Carnegie in 1926 said if you want to be successful in public speaking just speak to the selfishness of the human race and you will be successful. Look what man has done, he has traded the Gospel for a positive motivation speech that is bringing people in by the thousands and dooming their souls to hell.

You ministers who are struggling with the bills and empty seats, because you have pleased God and not man, please don't give up, for your redemption draws near, you're almost to your time of harvest.

We pastor ministries and Christian secular leaders all over this world and this is a time of harvest for those who still preach the Cross of Calvary and the Blood that has set us free.

Those who have used the Cross of Calvary to fleece the sheep are about to harvest exactly what they have sown.

The politics, media and left wing that have aided and abetted our enemies are about to harvest all they have sown.

Those Christians who prayed for a Christian president and have walked away from supporting the president, like our disgruntled congregations who stop supporting their pastors, because of them, America is on the brink of harvesting from our sin of disunity and worship of political parties more than God's commands.

Those who have weakened the church because of personal vendettas against pastors are about to come to their own personal Katrina in their lives.

There is still time for repentance for all those above, but once a sin has been committed, like adultery, certain dynamics have been put into action that repentance is only good for one's soul, but the results of their sins are still in action, like a virus kills it's victim.

We have reached a place of no return in a worldwide religious war and like the days of Moses, whose side will you be on, the side that will be swallowed up or those who will enter the promise.

Keep this email and see all that is about to happen in the USA and see how many heeded the warning of what is about to happen as in the time of Noah. I pray for many more than eight people!!

We are still in the ministry to raise up the next leaders and to set the captives free, but I refuse to put a stamp of approval on ministries that fill their pockets with the hard earned money of men and leave their souls empty.

Dominic Sola

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Thoughts from Dominic/ NEW YORK

10/11/2006 11:07 PM

Good morning Dear Friends,

We are packing for another journey, a divine appointment with the UN, Ground Zero, Ellis Island, Cleopatra's Needle-Central Park, Times Square, Wall Street, Statue of Liberty, Trinity Church. We are joining up with Pastors Jim & Neva of The River @ Lake City Church, FL. and 27 other people for a prayer mission in New York. Somehow I pray that our prayers permeate the places and people that we will see, and not see, and a great change will take place in their wisdom, attitudes, decisions and approach to their leadership. May some doors in the spiritual realm be closed and new doors to be opened.
At CIM we believe we are standing at one of the most critical times in history, not only for our nation , the world, but even for the existence of the human race.
This week I just threw out thoughts to people as I walked around in public places to see what their responses would be to current events happening in the world. I found people who have not even turned on the news, others who think so nonchalantly about the events that it is rather disconcerting. I believe that there is a state of mind in our citizens that has become extremely dangerous for the future of the USA. I have been in intense prayer the last months and here are some of the things below God has given me, so not to enter the same frame of mind as some of our leaders and people:

One word God has given me is "Great leaders don't die with the casualties".
People who will survive and make a difference will stay focused on their purpose for existence.
These leaders know their assignment from God and stay on the page God has given them for the day.
Compromise will not exist in their vocabulary.
These ministers will look almost obsessed with their pursuits but will see great victories.
Some would think these new world changers to be narrow minded but God has told them not to scatter their resources over a vast area but to hone their skills to be like a great surgeon and operate only in the specified areas of their expertise and they will be used to open doors that will realign man with God.

These are just a few lines of what God has been speaking to me. I have been praying, studying intensely on the precepts above and now it is time to place some thoughts on paper.
God is speaking and instructing His servants at this time, but we must take the time to slow down and listen.
God is about to raise up a generation of world shakers that will proclaim His Love and Mercy as never before, but first we will have to be the receivers of these Divine Gifts before we are the administrators of them.

God Bless, Dominic